Giant Shovel!
This Monster was built for a local outdoor advertising company. They needed a quick turn around on a
31 ft long shovel for their customer. This 3d prop is made with: steel, plywood, eps foam & urethane
hard coat. Its 2 parts that bolt together. It isn't as heavy as you might think. This 3d billboard is hard to ignore!
Ted Mills w/ HiCountry Signs pulled off a tricky install.
Tags: 3-D foam sculpture, 3d advertising, 3d billboard, 3d foam props, 3d sign, 3d signage, 3d signs, Billboards, christmas props, custom display, eye candy props, eye candy sculptures, foam props, foam sculpting, foam sculpture, foam sculptures, foam sign, giant 3d letters, halloween props, putt putt props, sculpted signs, sculpture foam, styrofoam sculpture