You are currently browsing the archives for June, 2010.

3d sign and foam prop hot dog t shirt gun!



This big Hot Dog is part of an Aircannon t shirt gun for Kayem foods.  Anything you can think of can be

incorporated into a 3d sign or prop to promote your company, event, product or service!  We sculpt

EPS foam and coat the prop with either fiberglass or urethane hard coat.  The end result is a exciting

new 3d prop for your potential customer to see and remember.  Quality 3d props shows your customers

that you're serious about creative ways to be noticed.  Let us build your crazy designs!

Posted 14 years, 2 months ago at 9:30 pm.

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sculpted foam prop t shirt gun



Ok this ones a little different for us.  Its a hot dog w/ a condom on it!  My customer Aircannons Inc. told me

it's for the performer Meatloaf. He'll be using it as a stage prop.  I like the weird jobs now and then.  The

challenge on this custom sculpture was the condom.   If you happen to go see him in concert than lookout.


Posted 14 years, 3 months ago at 9:46 pm.

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