Ripcord Marketing in Denver Colorado invented this unique concept for one of their clients.
Several buzz words made into giant sculptures. These sculpted foam 3d letters are finished
front and back. They are hard coated with polyurethane from FUTURA Coatings and finished
in bright colors. Impossible to ignore are these sculpted signs that promote the core values
of this progressive, professional, relevant, responsive …… company.
Posted 12 years, 11 months ago at 1:27 am. Add a comment
This 3 dimensional giant light bulb was built for out friends at Red7e in Kentucky.
They conceptualized this unique foam polyurethane hard coated award for one of
their clients. We weighted the base to add stability. Doesn't get much more realistic!
Steel, wood, various plastics, automotive paints …. whatever it takes to make it work.
Posted 13 years ago at 12:10 am. Add a comment
Ide8 Marketing in Denver, Colorado commissioned this polyurethane hard coated
foam sculpture for their client Sorin Group's trade show exhibit. At 7 ft tall this
foam sculpture was a focal point of the exhibit. The giant foam prop is light weight,
durable, reusable and affordable!
Posted 13 years ago at 9:28 pm. Add a comment
These sculpted creature displays were fun to make! A 6 foot long field ant
and a 4 ft tall Red Breasted Nut Hatch. That's a bird.
The accomplished exhibit company Condit Exhibits gave us this project.
They were great to work with and supplied us w/ all the measurements, templates and
CAD drawings we needed. The ant sculpture has a steel skeleton and an epoxy and
urethane coated eps foam body. The bird is made of eps foam w/ a Futura urethane
hard coated shell. Tough stuff! Chris Blarsky at Absolut Extremes painted the bird for us.
Posted 13 years, 1 month ago at 8:27 pm. Add a comment
This project was fun! Big 3d props for the debut of Super Mario 3d Land in Times Square New York.
Short time line, limited budget, no problem! These giant eps foam, polyurethane hard coated props
were scattered throughout EPS Doublet's 3000 square foot interactive display. Sounds from the game
played while participants ran through the coarse. One of the two giant Piranah plants actually spit water!
This interactive display was built for EPS Doublet in Colorado. Thanks guy's!
Posted 13 years, 3 months ago at 9:51 am. Add a comment
This sculpted display was made for Plasticare in Englewood, Colorado. They were hired to build a
realistic 3d wall panel that appeared to be cut from the earth! They had us construct the entire prop.
It has a foam core with hydrostone casts from actual paleontologists molds of dinosaur prints
here in Colorado. We then used hydrostone, dyes and milled fiberglass to build the layers and create a
stone like surface. This 3D display was less exact than most of our work and it was fun to cut loose a little!
Posted 13 years, 5 months ago at 7:35 pm. Add a comment
Here's another 3 dimensional billboard for Amelie Companies Colorado State Patrol TACT
campaign. Ted mills of Hi-Country Signs installed our props and floating letters after removing
80% of the original board. He installed the shorter 8 ft. tall panels 1st, then the white lettering
and finally the sculpted foam polyurethane hard coated crash roll. The top billboard was
run for 1 month. Then the 3d billboard was the final part of the narrative. Thanks to the
creativity of Gordy Hirsch and Paul Sugget at Amelie Company & Hi-Country Sign's
expertise, all went smooooooth! Hopefully this 3d advertising helps make the roads
a little safer. Here's the local news coverage.
Posted 13 years, 6 months ago at 8:37 pm. Add a comment
This sculpted foam display with polyurethane hard coat was built for
Blizz Yogurt. Specifically the Las Vegas Mirage Hotel location.
It was built to appear full 3d but its only 11 inches deep so it does
not take up valuable retail space. Built in 2 sections for easy shipping.
Durable, light, eye catching & affordable!
Posted 13 years, 7 months ago at 8:06 pm. Add a comment