3d foam sculpture for Chicago Bulls



This is the 2nd Aircannon for our friends in Chicago.  The mean looking mascot shoots t shirts

and other promotional items to the fans of the Chicago Bulls.  What makes this foam sculpture unique

is:  the eyes light up and the horns are removable in case of a collision and for shipping.  The

3 dimensional prop is made of EPS foam and is hard coated with fiberglass.  This small project was

fun to make!!!!

Posted 14 years, 2 months ago at 4:30 pm.

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3d sign and foam prop hot dog t shirt gun!



This big Hot Dog is part of an Aircannon t shirt gun for Kayem foods.  Anything you can think of can be

incorporated into a 3d sign or prop to promote your company, event, product or service!  We sculpt

EPS foam and coat the prop with either fiberglass or urethane hard coat.  The end result is a exciting

new 3d prop for your potential customer to see and remember.  Quality 3d props shows your customers

that you're serious about creative ways to be noticed.  Let us build your crazy designs!

Posted 14 years, 2 months ago at 9:30 pm.

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sculpted foam prop t shirt gun



Ok this ones a little different for us.  Its a hot dog w/ a condom on it!  My customer Aircannons Inc. told me

it's for the performer Meatloaf. He'll be using it as a stage prop.  I like the weird jobs now and then.  The

challenge on this custom sculpture was the condom.   If you happen to go see him in concert than lookout.


Posted 14 years, 3 months ago at 9:46 pm.

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3D billboard prop for TDA Advertising’s Stevinson Billboard



We built this crazy foam prop for a sarcastic billboard ad for TDA Advertising in Boulder Colorado.

It has a steel skeleton for strength, surrounded by a sculpted foam shape, coated in fiberglass.  Then the

actual fabric was pulled over the shape.  This build system allowed us to save the client a few grand on the cost.

The 3d billboard prop helps get the point across!

Posted 14 years, 3 months ago at 9:28 am.

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Giant sculpted foam 3D Santa Claus for Denver Retailer.



This 25Ft tall giant Santa Claus is an outdoor display for St. Nick's in Denver, Colorado.

He hides all year and comes out in the winter to greet all passers by.   He has a steel wire

frame body wrapped in garland and his face is made of sculpted eps foam w/ a urethane

hard coat.

Posted 14 years, 3 months ago at 9:23 am.

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Big fiberglass and foam 3d pushpin prop!



Here's a quick project that we built for Newfield Exploration in Denver, Colorado.  They needed

a giant pushpin that was light enough to carry around at an event they were organizing. 

The big prop had to be tough and realistic!  The customer needed the prop asap and on budget.

Not a problem!

Posted 14 years, 4 months ago at 8:09 am.

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3d signs and sculptures for Colorado artist.



Giant replicas of smaller stone sculptures.  Made for Colorado artist

Doris Laughton Smith.  This collection of 9 seperate pieces made of

styrofoam with urethane hardcoat.  Sanded smooth and painted with

automotive paint.  These had many hours of sanding!

Posted 14 years, 4 months ago at 2:00 pm.

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Big Bat! 3d foam sculpted signage for Jackson’s Sports Bar in Colorado


3d<br /> signdone1

This big sculpted foam 3d sign is for Jackson’s Hole on Denver.

Its big, tough and light.  Signorama in Denver hired us to make this

for their customer.  It has an internal steel brace.  This big 3d sign

is visible across the street from the main entrance of Coor’s Field.



Posted 14 years, 5 months ago at 2:59 pm.

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Big 3d foam prop created from 2d logo for Sledge Hammer Games California.



This giant foam sculpture was made for Kim Sterling, Owner of Mepro Productions.

This sculpted foam prop had to seem deeper than the space allows.  I call this forced perspective.

If done correctly it can trick the eye.  This logo will be accompanied by a 2d printed background.

Approx. weight is 22 lbs. and it's very tough.

Posted 14 years, 5 months ago at 10:13 pm.

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custom manikins for the Scuba Industry – Sculpted Foam



These Fishikins are custom retail displays made for many of the top Scuba

retailers around the world.   The are made w/ removable heads and and painted

with vibrant colors to match various sea creatures.  A1 Scuba in Colorado has the

1st dozen made and they provide a unique look to their retail area.

Posted 14 years, 5 months ago at 12:00 am.

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