Hard coated foam sculpture for Colorado’s Air Cannons Inc!



These are 2 of the recent foam sculptures we made for Air Cannons Inc.  They give us an aluminum barrel and

we give them back a cool marketing tool for their customer!  These are light weight and tough.  The impact

wrench is for their client Lowes. The guitar has wire strings and lots of other details.  The next step is Jake

puts the gun part on the barrel base and they are ready to shoot shirts and other promotional items into

crowds of fans!  They are a consistent customer and these are the smaller props we make.

Posted 13 years, 7 months ago at 6:43 pm.

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Big 3d foam sculpture sign for WaterWorld restaurant!



This 12 ft tall giant foam sculpture is for Highland Hills Water World in Colorado.

High above a restauarant in there park this 3d advertisement gets noticed.

From a simple concept to an exciting foam prop, all on time and on budget!

Posted 14 years, 7 months ago at 12:39 am.

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3 dimensional foam sculpture of Gillette Fusion Razors



These 6 foam sculptures are 3 ft long Gillette Fusion replicas.

They are for Aircannons Inc.‘s customer Gillette.  If you look closely

at the red box in the top photo you can see the actual razor.

The props are very detailed and accurate in their dimensions.

These will appearing at the SuperBowl or the  Daytona 500.

Who knows?

Posted 14 years, 7 months ago at 6:35 pm.

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3d sign Indy car replica for Juggle.com from Colorado to Illinois



This Indy car replica was built for online reference resource  Juggle.com.   An eye catching foam prop w/ a urethane hard coat.

This will hang on a wall and function as a 3d sign to promote the company.  Hopefully the 1st of many

creative ideas from Juggle.com.  At over 4 ft long this car only weighs 19 lbs.   EPS foam,

wood, aluminum, steel and plexiglass are all used in this 3d display.

Posted 14 years, 7 months ago at 2:09 am.

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3 dimensional foam sign for Denver business



Andrew's on Lincoln pool hall in Denver, Colorado wanted signage that fit the historic theme

of the local area but also wanted something different.   This 3d sign stands out,

literally!   The sculpted foam sign is big, tough and lightweight.

Posted 14 years, 11 months ago at 11:55 pm.

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Faux bronze hard coated foam sculpture display for Louisiana business.



This heavy looking 3 dimensional foam display was created for Hebert Signs in Louisiana. 

Eyecandy Sculptures was responsible for sculpting the foam, hard coating w/ polyurethane 

and welding the steel subframe.  The end client wanted a stock market themed sculpture

custom made from a 6 inch desk paper weight.  This collaboration was a success! 

A heavy metal look from expanded polystyrene foam!



Posted 15 years ago at 9:25 pm.

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Giant foam sculpted nachos for Carts of Colorado



Carts of Colorado hired us to make giant 3d faom nachos for the top of one of

their vending carts.  The giant foam sculpted food was displayed at a local tradeshow.

The cheese was the hardest to make convincing.  I think we nailed it!  The wooden tray

was temporary and replaced w/ a tray that looked like paper.

Posted 15 years ago at 5:20 pm.

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Giant foam sculptures for Colorado artist Doris Laughton Smith



Giant 3d foam sculptures made for local artist Doris Laughton Smith.

She was looking for a way to make large 3 dimensional replicas

of here smaller marble sculptures.  Eyecandy Sculptures had the

chance to show her the way to go…  We made approx 12 of these

in different shapes and sizes.

Posted 15 years ago at 11:53 pm.

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3 dimensional billboard props in Phoenix Arizona



This is one of 4 giant hardcoated foam props for Obrien Advertising's

campaign for Banner Children's Hospital in Phoenix,  Arizona.  From

a small model we created these 3-d foam sculptures. They are huge!

19 ft tall x 3 ft deep x 14 ft wide.  They are lightweight and were professionally

installed by Mike Steinle for Onsite Insite.


Posted 15 years, 1 month ago at 7:36 pm.

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3D signs for Colorado advertising


Coors Light archway for parties and sporting events.

Made of stainless steel and sculpted foam.

Posted 15 years, 5 months ago at 9:43 am.

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